when i finally get my imba, i will make up for all of the spare time i've been lacking. i plan to.....
1. sleep: one day i will not have to set my alarm clock, oh joyous day! if i'm really lucky, i won't have to take a nap at 3pm because i will still be in bed! wow... just imagine, sleeping whenever you want to, and getting more and 6 consecutive hours.... seems like a dream!
2. wash my car: the sap from the tree i park under is turning my baby blue car a curious shade of brown. it's disgusting. must do something about that.
3. visit my parents: i thought that only being an hour and a half away from my parents, i would be able to see them on the weekends... not true! it's practically like living in france! one day, i'm gonna go home and eat dinner with them like we planned....
4. make my bed: ok, i know - why make your bed if you're just gonna sleep in it later? but you have to admit, it is kinda nice getting into a bed that's been made. i did that a couple times back in the day when i had spare time...
5. have people over for dinner: this differs from "inviting people over for dinner". inviting is easy, actually having the time to cook and spend a couple hours with people... not so easy... if i've already invited you but haven't followed through, i'll see you in 2008.
6. do my nails: used to do this all the time. used to have them done professionally. lack of time + lack of money = bad nails
7. go for a drink: this falls into the "have people over" category.
8. play golf: i learned how to play in france. it was great.... back when i had money and time... the good ol' days
9. finish that sudoku book: used to do it every night before bed. now i just go to bed...
10. keep in touch: i'm usually really good about keeping in touch, but lately i've been pretty delinquent.... sorry about that....
by the way, this blog was NOT written during my spare time. :-)
when i finally get my imba, i will make up for all of the spare time i've been lacking. i plan to.....
1. sleep: one day i will not have to set my alarm clock, oh joyous day! if i'm really lucky, i won't have to take a nap at 3pm because i will still be in bed! wow... just imagine, sleeping whenever you want to, and getting more and 6 consecutive hours.... seems like a dream!
2. wash my car: the sap from the tree i park under is turning my baby blue car a curious shade of brown. it's disgusting. must do something about that.
3. visit my parents: i thought that only being an hour and a half away from my parents, i would be able to see them on the weekends... not true! it's practically like living in france! one day, i'm gonna go home and eat dinner with them like we planned....
4. make my bed: ok, i know - why make your bed if you're just gonna sleep in it later? but you have to admit, it is kinda nice getting into a bed that's been made. i did that a couple times back in the day when i had spare time...
5. have people over for dinner: this differs from "inviting people over for dinner". inviting is easy, actually having the time to cook and spend a couple hours with people... not so easy... if i've already invited you but haven't followed through, i'll see you in 2008.
6. do my nails: used to do this all the time. used to have them done professionally. lack of time + lack of money = bad nails
7. go for a drink: this falls into the "have people over" category.
8. play golf: i learned how to play in france. it was great.... back when i had money and time... the good ol' days
9. finish that sudoku book: used to do it every night before bed. now i just go to bed...
10. keep in touch: i'm usually really good about keeping in touch, but lately i've been pretty delinquent.... sorry about that....
by the way, this blog was NOT written during my spare time. :-)